Cook County Jail is at all time low in inmate population according to year end 2016 report. Despite the jail being emptied to historic lows, Dart has completely lost control of it..
Tom Dart says there is absolutely no connection to crime rising while he empties his Jail to historic lows. Vows to release even more criminals for what he calls crimes of survival and "low level drug offenses"..
2016... 7533 Inmates
2002.. Record 13,455 Inmates under Former Sheriff Michael Sheahan..
Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart released a year-end report on the Cook County Jail, highlighting efforts to reduce incarceration of people for lower-level, nonviolent offenses because of their inability to post bail. In November, the sheriff's office began tracking the daily tally of nonviolent, low-level offenders in custody because they cannot pay bond amounts of $1,000 or less and found the number averaged 187 people a day. The sheriff's office solicited on its website for people to help bond out a poor inmate, resulting in 108 people being released.
The program is being expanded to include minor traffic offenses and petty drug possession as of Jan. 1.
Such programs have effectively ended overcrowding at the jail, with 7,533 people incarcerated and another 2,181 individuals on electronic monitoring, according to the news release. At this time last year, there were more than 8,200 people behind bars and more than 2,300 people on electronic monitoring. What the report failed to mention is Dart has released thousands of violent criminals on E.M and hundreds have cut their bracelets and are now missing..
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