Report: Lame Duck Fuck Barack Obama Is Building A Wall In Around His New House In Washington DC - Maybe he should consult Trump on that wall!
JEW NEWS - Actions Have Consequences: Israel Announces Cut In Funding To UN
Vizio, one of the most popular brands on the market, is offering advertisers “highly specific viewing behavior data on a massive scale.”
margin: 0px; outline: auto; padding: 0px;" target="_blank" name="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1483935070457_22854">Grandmother Who Raised 2 Of The 4 Blacks Who Tortured White Teen: “I Raised Them Very Properly”
A Roseville man is becoming Facebook famous after he posted a picture of a ticket he received from a Roseville cop for warming up his vehicle in his own driveway.
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