by Marilyn Peretti
Hot orange flame flew up
melting lead and ancient trees
breaking hearts of Paris.
For eight hundred years
old oaks from vanished forests
served as roof timbers
but no longer able to withstand
the fires of hell, crumbled
to charred matchsticks, as
Our Lady’s backbone,
the vulnerable ridge pole,
tumbled into the holy nave.
• • •
A thin white thread
of smoke rising at the Vatican
signals something new.
The disastrous stream of white smoke,
which roared rapidly to black
then to tongues of fire,
called out every craftsman from
the woodwork, their myriad of skills
rebuilding one great Cathedral,
now signaling Our Lady’s glory.
This poem was written in anguish at the time of the horrendous fire in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, but has been modified to celebrate the gallant efforts of dedicated Parisians who carefully rebuilt their cherished centerpiece. Marilyn Woerner Peretti, from Chicago area, is Pushcart nominee, and celebrant of this French achievement! She happily recalls her visit to Paris and tour through this elegant structure.
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