by Orel Protopopescu

The sellout’s cards are selling out, 
the freakish cards of Don. 
No other president has shown 
such genius for a con!
Had Washington chopped up that tree
and sold each splintered share, 
he could have used a submarine 
to cross the Delaware!
And Lincoln never thought to sell 
real Lincoln Logs, it seems, 
too busy binding up a land
of violent extremes.   
But W may still have time 
to trump T’s licensees
by storing paintings of his toes
in polished NFTs.

Self-portrait by George W. Bush.

Orel Protopopescu has written prize-winning works for children and adults. She won the Oberon poetry prize in 2010 and 2020. Her light verse has appeared in Light Poetry Magazine, Lighten Up Online, and elsewhere. Her first biography Dancing Past the Light: The Life of Tanaquil Le Clercq (University Press of Florida, 2021) received a starred review in Library Journal

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