by Chad Parenteau

Trump, Kanye
and a ghost
of others who
the former
President has
never seen
without sheets.
Also, Milo
going Jews
for Jesus
Semitic bits
to trade
for bodies
of Christ.
A pride
of people
fine to be
on same side
until not.
And also,
why this
is bad for
Joe Biden.

Chad Parenteau hosts Boston's long-running Stone Soup Poetry series. His latest collection is The Collapsed Bookshelf. His poetry has appeared in journals such as Résonancee, Molecule, Ibbetson Street, Cape Cod Poetry Review, Tell-Tale Inklings, Off The Coast, The Skinny Poetry JournalNixes Mate Review, and the anthology Reimagine America from Vagabond Books. He serves as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine.

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