by Douglas Richardson

Fight for $15.

Walking west on 6th Street
All the trees are green
The sun is warm upon my face
My hair is moussed and preened
I’m listening to Corporate Pop
on my way to Corporate Eatery
I fling my tie around my neck
a leaf among the scenery
My table’s cleared
My glass is beered
All the unions disappeared
The working world is free
Douglas Richardson is a poet and novelist who lives in Santa Ana, California, with his wife Jen and cat Wes. He is the founder of Weak Creature Press. He has written a fiction series, American Strays, which comprises the novellas The Corruption of Zachary R., Trust Fund Baby, and Kay Sutter Through the Ages. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in The American Journal of Poetry, Black Poppy Review, Cajun Mutt Press, Hobo Camp Review, Misfits’ Miscellany, The Nervous Breakdown, Straight Forward Poetry, Trouvaille Review, and Poetry Super Highway. In 2013, he won the Poetry Super Highway contest with his entry, “Notes from the Graveyard Shift.” 

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