by Kathleen Murphey

Facebook enabled a Crook, 
amplified his lies, 
enhanced his stance, 
bated Americans with hate, 
feed Republicans with greed, 
regressed our progress, 
seeded unrest and distrust. 
Facebook enabled a Crook, 
not aspiration but aberration, 
not with grace but disgrace, 
no constraint or restraint, 
all dire ire and hellfire, 
a wholesale diabolical fail, 
a criminal unethical snail. 
Facebook enabled a Crook, 
a hysterical, mercurial, tyrannical, 
a disdaining lamebrain, 
an inane, vain, scatterbrain, 
an American charlatan, 
a Ku Klux Klan journeyman, 
a Republican madman. 
Facebook enabled a Crook, 
a Promethean vulgarian, 
an unrestrained birdbrain, 
a rank, crank prank, 
a foulplay melee, 
a foray in disarray, 
an American pathway astray. 
Facebook enabled a Crook, 
a rampage of outrage, 
backstage plunderage, 
an idiot ideograph, 
a grafting personage, 
a forsaking snake, 
a blackjack egomaniac. 
Facebook enabled a Crook, 
a megalomaniac quack, 
a throwback battle ax, 
a death-dance petulance, 
a ranting, ignorant adulterant, 
a thunderclap mishap,  
a plump mugwumpy T***p. 

Editor’s Note: Full disclosure: We had decided to post this poem hours before, unaccountably, Facebook suspended our News Verse News Facebook page. Was it because we had previously criticized the network and its founder? Well, here we go again.

Kathleen Murphey is an associate professor of English at Community College of Philadelphia. She has been writing fiction lately, both poetry and short stories.


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