by Laura Lee Washburn
Couches, aquamarine, gold, avocado,
raspberry bubble gum, blue
stacked to the ceiling.
Behind my blonde, so blonde head
and coiffed, curled bob,
the air was marigold.
I had a standard poodle
with a rhinestone, no, diamond
collar. My gay best friend
wore tight pants, and, I’m sure,
was in love with me
all day and night long. We talked
with ivory phone cords circling
our wrists. We were bound
to the colors of saturated pink sky
and the crushed red velvet lounge.
Come what may, let it.
Be what it is, be
until we rest in peace,
gingham polka dot plaid
and the green green grass under
our white patent leather feet.
Couches, aquamarine, gold, avocado,
raspberry bubble gum, blue
stacked to the ceiling.
Behind my blonde, so blonde head
and coiffed, curled bob,
the air was marigold.
I had a standard poodle
with a rhinestone, no, diamond
collar. My gay best friend
wore tight pants, and, I’m sure,
was in love with me
all day and night long. We talked
with ivory phone cords circling
our wrists. We were bound
to the colors of saturated pink sky
and the crushed red velvet lounge.
Come what may, let it.
Be what it is, be
until we rest in peace,
gingham polka dot plaid
and the green green grass under
our white patent leather feet.
Laura Lee Washburn is a University Professor at Pittstate. She’s the author of This Good Warm Place and Watching the Contortionists and has a couple of manuscripts up for grabs. The Co-President of the Southeast Kansas fund, Women Helping Women, she is often involved in raising money to combat poverty, but this month has turned her efforts to supporting a small press through the Tupelo 30/30 project.
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