Low-Carb Twice-Baked Cauliflower (and Announcing a BIG CHANGE for Kalyn's Kitchen!)

Low-Carb Twice-Baked Cauliflower is a side dish that everyone will love! And this tasty dish is also Keto, low-glycemic, gluten-free, and South Beach Diet friendly; use the Diet-Type Index to find more recipes like this one!

Low-Carb Twice-Baked Cauliflower found on KalynsKitchen.com

Today I have an exciting announcement, although I have to confess that for me personally it's definitely a nervous excitement. Twelve years ago I started blogging here on a low-tech blogging platform called Blogger, never imagining what the site would turn into. I was pretty low-tech myself, so the simplicity of it suited me well. Then a few years into what had turned into a blogging career I hired the fabulous Jennette, who managed to make my Blogger site pretty great within the limitations of that platform.

Through the years I watched my friends who were on Blogger move to Wordpress, but by then my site had so many posts that I was scared to move. But it gave me courage when my friend Gina successfully moved to Wordpress about a year ago, and I loved her new site. So I made a decision and in my Welcome 2017 post, I talked about wanting my site to work for all types of carb-conscious eating, and mentioned changes I was making. And then I waited a long time for the talented folks at Purr Design to get to me on the long list of bloggers wanting to work with them.

In the meantime, blogging and everything web-based kept getting much more complex. Google controls the web, and they now require special back-end recipe coding and a secure connection to send search engine traffic. I couldn't do those things on the current site, so I really couldn't wait any longer, even if I was nervous about it.

So today I'm sharing this updated recipe for Low-Carb Twice-Baked Cauliflower, and then I won't be posting anything here for about a week while we move all the content here to the new Wordpress site. I think it's fitting that it's this popular and amazingly delicious cauliflower recipe that I'm leaving you with, because it completely represents the kind of low-carb but drool-worth foods I like to cook. And this recipe can be low-carb or Keto if you use high fat dairy and a liberal amount of bacon, but if you're a low-glycemic eater, or someone following the South Beach Diet, it will still be delicious with lower-fat dairy and even turkey bacon if you want to use that. I believe everyone gets to make their own food choices, and I want to make that possible when I can!

The new site is going to be beautiful, I can promise you that. I hope long-time readers will take a look at the desktop version when it's up, which is where the impressive new features will be most noticeable. But moving all the recipes from an enormous site like this is complicated, not to mention all the things I did wrong in the early days when I had no idea what I was doing. And since I already moved Slow Cooker or Pressure Cooker to Wordpress, I know that after it's moved there will be lots of editing to get things looking perfect again. I hope people will be patient for the first little while, as we iron out the kinks. And everyone repeat after me: CHANGE IS GOOD!

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