trump's Horrid Rally in Phoenix

If you stomached through trump's speech in Phoenix last night, you should've realized a few things:

  • He spent most of the time defending the whole Charlottesville response. Then lied about what he said, as if there's no video of what he actually said.
  • He sounded like a guilty eighth grader, after being caught cheating on a spelling test.
  • The crowd inside was not as big as the crowd outside.
  • Throughout his entire speech, he never mentioned anything about the deaths in Charlottesville, let alone their names.
  • He spoke more about defending the Confederate statues and nothing about the 19 people injured in Charlottesville.
  • He actually said that Joe Arpaio was arrested for doing his job. Actually, he was arrested for breaking several civil rights laws.
  • Basically, this was a rally to make him feel better about himself.

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