by Jennifer Hernandez
Mirror her moves, sun salutation, cat and cow, warrior one, child's pose.
Mirror her breathing, peaceful expression, bright smile, calm voice.
The universe reflects back the energy you send out.
Mirror her concern, screams in the alley, a possible assault.
Mirror her fingers tap 9-1-1, watch out the window waiting.
We are all connected through a benevolent force.
Mirror her light footsteps, open the back door, step outside.
Mirror her strides to the police car, her shock at shots fired.
The quantum world is a world of unknowns and unpredictability.
The single lines in the following poem are from Justine’s lecture “The Mirror Effect.”
for Justine Damond
Mirror her moves, sun salutation, cat and cow, warrior one, child's pose.
Mirror her breathing, peaceful expression, bright smile, calm voice.
The universe reflects back the energy you send out.
Mirror her concern, screams in the alley, a possible assault.
Mirror her fingers tap 9-1-1, watch out the window waiting.
We are all connected through a benevolent force.
Mirror her light footsteps, open the back door, step outside.
Mirror her strides to the police car, her shock at shots fired.
The quantum world is a world of unknowns and unpredictability.
Jennifer Hernandez lives in Minnesota where she works with immigrant youth and writes poetry, flash, and creative non-fiction. Much of her recent writing has been colored by her distress at that which appears in her daily news feed. She is marching with her pen. Recent work appears in Anti-Heroin Chic, Dying Dahlia, TheNewVerse.News, Rise Up Review and Writers Resist.
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