by S.O.Fasrus
even the air sighs for us
this grief is one breathe
this grief is the hum of nine poets
this grief has peeled skin
it is not shielded
lies, evasions
this grief
is a procession
this grief is an army of tears
the sun will not scorch it
the rain cannot drown it
this empty room
this charred field
this quiet road in the kernel of night
this aching of many hearts
this gallery of loss
our grief weaves a ribbon for flowers
oh small flower
oh white petal
even the birds cry for us
even the moon keeps silent
S.O.Fasrus has verses at LUPO and is currently writing a YA novel.
The burnt-out ruin of Grenfell Tower. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA via The Guardian, June 18, 2017. |
even the air sighs for us
this grief is one breathe
this grief is the hum of nine poets
this grief has peeled skin
it is not shielded
lies, evasions
this grief
is a procession
this grief is an army of tears
the sun will not scorch it
the rain cannot drown it
this empty room
this charred field
this quiet road in the kernel of night
this aching of many hearts
this gallery of loss
our grief weaves a ribbon for flowers
oh small flower
oh white petal
even the birds cry for us
even the moon keeps silent
S.O.Fasrus has verses at LUPO and is currently writing a YA novel.
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