25 Low-Carb Cucumber Salads to Keep You Cool (and Kalyn Takes a Vacation!)

Summer means cucumbers, and here are 25 Low-Carb Cucumber Salads to keep you cool all summer long! These tasty cucumber salads are all low-carb and gluten-free, and all are delicious summer salads I make over and over!

Click here to PIN 25 Low-Carb Cucumber Salads!

How do you feel about cucumbers?  I'm always kind of shocked when someone tells me they don't like them, but then I realize maybe those cucumber-adverse people have only had grocery store cucumbers. Those overly large waxy creatures are a poor substitute for fresh garden cucumbers, which are loaded with a delicate flavor that I just love.

If I don't have cucumbers from the garden I love the mini Persian cucumbers that you can buy at Costco, or the European cucumbers that are available all year. As soon the weather gets hot I start craving cucumber salads. I like cucumber salad any time of year and I have a lot of favorites, but cucumbers are especially great when the weather gets hot so I'm updating this collection to share 25 Low-Carb Cucumbers Salads to Keep You Cool.  Hope you enjoy my favorite cucumber salads all summer long!

Now let's
talk about me taking a vacation! In more than 12 years of food blogging, I've been on some great trips, but I've never really taken a vacation where I didn't have posts scheduled to show up while I was gone. But this week I'm going to Mexico with my siblings, brother-in-laws, and sister-in-laws, and I'm taking the week off!

Of course blogging is a job where you never take time off completely, and I'll do my best to keep up on comments here but replies might be slower than usual. There are also posts scheduled to go out on Facebook, but I won't be putting up a new post here until I come back. Luckily there are enough good cucumber salads here that you probably couldn't try them all in a whole summer, and you could pair a cucumber salad with one of the 20 Low-Carb Kabobs and Skewers for the Grill that I just featured for a great summer dinner!

And if you might want to check out my slow cooker site where I just shared 30 Amazing Instant Pot and Slow Cooker Summer Dinners. Nearly all the summer dinners there are low in carbs, or can easily be low-carb with minor changes like using low-carb tortillas or pita bread, and there are delicious ideas there for a dinner from the Instant pot, pressure cooker, or slow cooker that will help keep the kitchen cool. Enjoy the salads and summer dinners, and I'll be back in a week!

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