Roasted Radishes with Soy Sauce and Sesame Seeds

Have you ever tried cooking radishes? They are surprising sweet once they're cooked and these tasty roasted radishes are low-carb, Keto, low-glycemic, vegan, gluten-free (with gluten-free soy sauce), dairy-free, and South Beach Diet friendly. Use the Recipes-by-Diet-Type Index to find more recipes like this one.

Roasted Radishes with Soy Sauce and Sesame Seeds found on

I think radishes are so fun for a season-spanning dish! Back in the days when I had a huge garden, I always used to plant them just for the fun of watching how quickly the radishes came up from seeds. Now I don't have room for radishes in my new garden, but I am happy to report that I did plant my garden over the weekend (
href="" target="_blank">with two cute helpers), and I'll share a post soon about what I'm growing this year. 
It was probably the abundance of radishes when I planted them every year that enticed me to try this recipe for Roasted Radishes with Soy Sauce and Toasted Sesame Seed (nearly ten years ago!) and this recipe was long overdue for a photo makeover. And cooked radishes have become rather trendy since then, maybe because radishes have been discovered as a low-carb vegetable option.

Cooked radishes are much milder and sweeter than the spicy flavor they have when they're raw, and if I had to describe what they taste like I'd say similar to turnips, but slightly different. I love raw radishes, but I also love this recipe for roasted radishes and if you're looking for a side dish that will be a conversation-starter, I promise this will be something fun and unusual to serve your friends or family!

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