Cucumber and Avocado Salad with Lime, Mint, and Feta

This salad with cucumber, avocado, lime, mint, and Feta is a delicious combination! And this tasty salad with so many of my favorite flavors is low-carb, Keto, low-glycemic, gluten-free, vegetarian, and South Beach Diet phase one. Use the Recipes-by-Diet-Type Index to find more recipes like this one.

Cucumber and Avocado Salad with Lime, Mint, and Feta [found on]

I shared 25+ Healthy Low-Carb Mexican Food Dinners for Cinco de Mayo last week, so I refuse to feel blogger guilt that I don't have a new Mexican food treat for you this week. But maybe I can redeem myself a bit by saying that I definitely think this Cucumber and Avocado Salad with Lime, Mint, and Feta would make a
stellar side dish to serve with Mexican food. There's lime and creamy avocado, and the pungent Feta cheese might even remind you a bit of Mexican Cotija Cheese.
And there is plenty of mint in this salad! I love cooking with fresh mint, and I bought my yearly mint plants at Trader Joe's and they're happily growing in my sunny kitchen window. But I really need to find a contained space at the new house where I can plant some mint outside. At the old house it grew like a weed in the center section of one of my herb bed, and I do miss having that plentiful mint to use all summer.

If you have to buy mint at the grocery store you can get away with a little less mint than this recipe calls for, but I hope you won't skip it because the mint flavor really wakes up the flavors in this salad that I created and first posted back in 2007, yikes. And the recipe was desperately crying out for better photos, so I hope the new ones will entice some of you to try it!

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