Low-Carb Recipe Love: My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Pesto

Every Friday we spotlight low-carb recipes you might want to try over the weekend, and this Friday I'm sharing My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Pesto! Read below about why I'm featuring pesto when it's not even summer yet, and check the Low-Carb Recipe Love Round-Ups Index to find more weekly round-ups.

My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Pesto featured for Low-Carb Recipe Love on KalynsKitchen.com
I know, pesto is a summer thing, right? So why am I sharing My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Pesto just when basil plants are showing up in the stores. There's a reason, I promise!

You see, for many years now I've been growing basil every summer and making Basil Pesto with Lemon and freezing it. And recently I got some lovely basil plants at the grocery store, and when I got home with them I realized I had a lot of these packets of frozen pesto in the freezer, and I better start cooking with pesto, ASAP!

So that's the reason I had pesto on the brain and decided to feature My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Pesto for this week's edition of Low-Carb Recipe Love.

My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Pesto featured for Low-Carb Recipe Love on KalynsKitchen.com
And if you don't have pesto in the freezer, you can use my favorite purchased pesto to try these amazing recipes with pesto.

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