Why is Rick Perry meddling in the election of Texas A&M SGA

Can somebody explain to me why Rick Perry is questioning the election of the student body president?

Especially, since the winner is the first gay person to do so?

Here's more
In an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle, Perry argues that the rightful winner of the Texas A&M student body election was disqualified due to anonymous charges of voter intimidation and for failing to disclose the receipt for glow sticks used in a campaign Facebook video.

“Brooks did not win the election. He finished second by more than 750 votes to one Mr. Robert McIntosh,” Perry wrote, referring to Bobby
Brooks, the election runner-up who assumed the post as president.

Brooks is the first openly gay man to serve as the school’s president.

“However, McIntosh was disqualified by the SGA Election Commission and Judicial Court through a process that — at best — made a mockery of due process and transparency.”

McIntosh, Perry says, was acquitted of the voter intimidation charges following an appeal, though the glow stick charges stuck. Many of the voter intimidation complaints were found to be from people who backed Brooks, Perry said. 
Perry in the op-ed said the school’s Board of Regents was never made aware of the accusations of voter intimidation. The former Texas governor claimed the university is “choosing preferred outcomes over equal treatment.”
Why is he up in their business like this? He needs to learn how to do his new job that he's unqualified for.


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