Roasted Lemon Salmon and Asparagus Sheet Pan Meal

I love everything about this ultra-simple sheet pan meal with Roasted Salmon and Asparagus, and this easy dinner idea is low-carb, Keto, low-glycemic, gluten-free, dairy-free, Paleo, Whole 30, and South Beach Diet friendly! Use the Recipes-by-Diet-Type Index to find more recipes like this one.

Roasted Lemon Salmon and Asparagus Sheet Pan Meal found on

If there's one thing I know about the internet, it's that things are always changing. For example, I first made this super-easy, cooks-in-one-pan, tastes-amazing recipe back in 2011, long before anyone had even heard of Sheet Pan Meals. In the
original version I mentioned it had three of my favorite ingredients (salmon, asparagus, and lemon) and said it was the type of recipe that always appeals to me. And sure enough, I've been making it pretty much every spring when fresh asparagus starts going on sale.

And when I made this again recently I decided to take photos to get better pictures for this favorite dinner. And I also decided to rename it Roasted Lemon Salmon and Asparagus Sheet Pan Meal, since that's what people would be calling it these days, and I also changed the recipe to serve four, since that's what most of my dinners are on the blog.

I'll leave the original printer friendly recipe link in place, in case anyone has it bookmarked. (The new recipe is just doubled, and I did things in a slightly different order which seemed to flow better this time, but if you only want two servings use the original link.) It's asparagus season for a few months now, so grab some salmon, some asparagus, and a lemon and give this easy recipe a whirl!
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