by Judith Terzi
They are taking something away in America.
They have stolen all the cows in South Sudan.
They are hawking their egos on minor stages.
They have forced villagers to flee South Sudan.
They will forsake the poorest among us.
Their women cup hands in dust in South Sudan.
They will not succumb to offerings of reason.
Their women search for grain under straw in South Sudan.
They camouflage their fortunes under the radar.
They offshore in the West stolen assets from South Sudan.
They inhabit the wilderness of equivocation.
They create wastelands out of farms in South Sudan.
They speak in fiction to preserve potency.
They have massacred for power in South Sudan.
Now, they are taking compassion away in America.
Now, one hundred thousand facing famine in South Sudan.
They are taking something away in America.
They have stolen all the cows in South Sudan.
They are hawking their egos on minor stages.
They have forced villagers to flee South Sudan.
They will forsake the poorest among us.
Their women cup hands in dust in South Sudan.
They will not succumb to offerings of reason.
Their women search for grain under straw in South Sudan.
They camouflage their fortunes under the radar.
They offshore in the West stolen assets from South Sudan.
They inhabit the wilderness of equivocation.
They create wastelands out of farms in South Sudan.
They speak in fiction to preserve potency.
They have massacred for power in South Sudan.
Now, they are taking compassion away in America.
Now, one hundred thousand facing famine in South Sudan.
Judith Terzi's poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in BorderSenses, Caesura, Columbia Journal, Raintown Review, Spillway, Unsplendid, and Wide Awake: The Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond. Her poems have been nominated for Best of the Web and Net, shortlisted in the Able Muse Write Contest, and included in Keynotes, a study guide for the artist-in-residence program for State Theater New Jersey. Casbah is her latest chapbook from Kattywompus Press.
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