Chicken and Asparagus with Three Cheeses

Chicken with Asparagus and Three Cheeses is a delicious and easy low-carb casserole that's also Keto, low-glycemic, gluten-free, and you could eat it as a treat for the South Beach Diet too. Use the Recipes-by-Diet-Type Index to find more recipes like this one.

Chicken and Asparagus with Three Cheeses found on

Chicken and Asparagus with Three Cheeses is a delicious and easy casserole recipe that's been hanging out in the archives with a photo that probably wouldn't have enticed anyone to make it, so when I saw asparagus on sale this week for $1.49 a pound, I decided to give this recipe a photo makeover! And wow, was it ever delicious. 

Yesterday when I was editing the photos I remembered
I had some leftovers in the fridge and I gobbled those up for lunch and started thinking about how soon I could make this again. And this recipe is an easy combination that would be impressive enough to serve for dinner guests.
The only thing slightly tricky about this dish is not to cook the sauce too long or bake it too long or the sauce will separate. This is an ongoing issue for me with sauces when they aren't thickened with flour or cornstarch, but even if that happens, this will still be delicious! And for me asparagus going on sale is one of the sure signs that spring is coming, and since Salt Lake had a big snow storm earlier this week, I am really longing for the end of winter. So this is for all the other asparagus fans who are excited to have fresh asparagus season on the horizon!

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