January 11, 2017
President Barack Obama’s tearful farewell speech was exactly what critics would expect — a heaping truck full of baloney, mistruths, and falsehoods designed to make himself look good.
Here are the biggest lies of the night, according to The Horn News. Take a look, and let us know if we missed any in the comments below.
Lie #1 — America has rebooted our auto industry and enjoyed the longest stretch of job creation in history.
Incorrect. Job creation is hardly what Obama’s economy saw — and the jobs Obama did create were often part-time, low paying jobs that kept workers in poverty.
The fact is, there are more laborers that are voluntarily sitting out of the workforce – over 94 million Americans that have given up looking for jobs – than in any time in U.S. history
As far as the auto industry, it IS coming back… but thanks goes to the influence of President-elect Donald Trump, as noted by every major CEO that has announced factory moves in the past few months.
Lie #2 — Race relations are better than they were ten years ago
Not according to the American people, particularly minorities.
According to a report from Pew Research Center, race relations are seen as “generally bad” – most notably among African-Americans and non-white Hispanics.
And they’ve gotten significantly worse under Obama.
Lie #3 — In just eight years, we’ve halved our dependence on foreign oil.
Not true. The U.S. imported 9.4 million barrels of oil per day in 2015, down from aapproximately 11.5 million barrels imported daily during late 2008, the high tide of imports during Obama’s first year.
It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out that half of 11.5 is not 9.4. During Obama’s two-terms, the U.S. imports of foreign oil instead dropped a meager 18.3%. If Obama had halved our dependence on foreign oil, the U.S. would be importing approximately 5.7 million barrels per day.
Lie #4 — We’re winning the war against ISIS
Obama’s glossy picture on his failed war against Islamic terror covers up the reality.
Terrorists pledging loyalty to ISIS have struck our home soil multiple times, and have also killed innocent people on the home soil of every one of our major allies since he took office.
While their territory is shrinking, the terror organization still holds huge swaths of land and is still capable of conducting major military operations — all of which it gained during Obama’s presidency.
That’s not winning.
Lie #5 – Yes, we did.
The biggest lie of the night.
Here’s the truth: “No, Mr. President, you didn’t.”
— The Horn editorial team
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