SEVERE NEGRO ALERT MT GREENWOOD - Family Desperate To Find Dog Missing Since Home Break - in 11400 block of South Sawyer

CHICAGO, IL — A family is asking for any help they can get finding their beloved dog, who has been missing since their home was burglarized early this week.

The DeCarlo family residence near 114th Street and Sawyer Avenue was broken into Jan. 9, and Charlie, a reddish-chestnut dachshund, has not been seen since.

The 14-pound pup is friendly and will respond to his name when called. His information has been shared on social media outlets and through Lost Dogs Illinois. After 24 hours of heartbreak
and searching nearby shelters, they fear he was stolen. There were many items taken but few that mean more than their 9-year-old furry, four-legged friend.

"He had grown to be a part of our family just as most dog owners feel about their pets," said Bob DeCarlo. "The house is different without him welcoming us at the door. We lost a family member and pray that he comes home safely."

The family is concerned for his safety and just want him back.

"I'm heartbroken," said Beth DeCarlo. "He is a huge part of our family, and he's gone. The unknown of where he is makes me sick. I just want him home safe."

Anyone with information on Charlie is asked to call 708-912-4140.

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