OAK LAWN IL - Negro Violence Leads to Shots Fired at Hooters, 9159 S. Cicero Ave - Oak Lawn just recently agreed to shut down the Chuck E Cheese due to black violence, will Hooters be NEXT???

OAK LAWN, IL -- Update, 11:01 p.m. Jan. 9, 2017 -- Oak Lawn police are reporting that no one was injured when shots were fired Monday evening on the corner of Cicero Avenue and 92nd Street in front of Hooter's. Police were still processing the scene.
Hooters, 9159 S. Cicero Ave., employs off-duty Oak Lawn police officers to provide security at the restaurant.
OLPD will update residents on the status of this investigation as well as Monday evening's traffic fatality at 95th Street and Raymond Avenue later today.
1.2em;">Update, 10:21 p.m. Jan. 9, 2017 -- The Oak Lawn Police Department has just issued an Everbridge alert advising people to avoid the area near 92nd Street and Cicero as police investigate a shooting at Hooters.
There is heavy police activity in the area. OLPD asks that residents to call 911 immediately if they see suspicious people or activity.
Original story -- Oak Lawn police have the streets blocked off near Cicero and 91st after reports of shots fired. There is a large presence of Oak Lawn and Hometown police cars.
About six to seven gunshots were fired around 9 p.m. Monday. The story is developing. We’re told that an Everbridge alert is being prepared for residents in the area. Cicero Avenue is open, but please try to avoid that area if possible.

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