Dem Rep Gutierrez should have been indicted already... shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign fund to his wife and daughters and also shaking down the U of I Village for a condo for his daughter that they flipped for a large profit.... DONALD TRUMP INDICT THIS ASSHOLE!
During an
text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline;" target="_blank">interview on Friday’s “Alan Colmes Show” on Fox News Radio, Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) characterized President-Elect Donald Trump as “a threat to me, my country, my grandson, my daughters, my wife, to all the important people in my life, and to America.”
Gutierrez said, “I never thought of a President of the United States as a threat to me, my country, my grandson, my daughters, my wife, to all the important people in my life, and to America. I was never — this one is different.”
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