When Rahm Emanuel panders, caters and grovels to the minorities... the city loses its power to enforce the laws and protect society
For the last three-quarters of a year, I’ve been in the Chicago area on extended business and to care for my mother, who has been undergoing cancer treatment. In that time I’ve come to understand that Chicago, and its surrounding areas, have become hell on Earth for any thinking person with a modicum of self-respect.
This has become an insane,
dangerous, soul-destroying place, and I’ve had enough.
The caustic combination of corrupt politicians with nothing but contempt for the public; a police force so broken down in spirit it visibly resents interaction with even law-abiding citizens; a criminal underclass empowered by the incessant drone of liberal rhetoric wandering the streets posing clear and present danger to everyone around them; and the enablers, who are everywhere, to say nothing of the ugly, decaying infrastructure, poor economy and joyless entertainment and leisure opportunities — it is for these reasons I have made the decision to disconnect forever.
Although in the last eight months I’ve been a victim of two area property thefts, three downtown street harassment episodes, one brazen Michigan Avenue assault, and a shameful “white privilege” lecture from Cook County’s soda-taxer in chief (among other just simply bad day-to-day experiences), it is the kidnapping and torture of the young teen and the waffling response of the Chicago Police Department in labeling the actions of the perpetrators a hate crime that have sealed the deal for me.
Crime, stupidity, racism, conformity and the lowest common denominator across the entire spectrum of life have become normalized in Chicago. This has become an insane, dangerous, soul-destroying place, and I’ve had enough. I’m leaving Chicago, and I’m never coming back.
— Brandon Vezmar, Hammond, president, The Messaging Company
The caustic combination of corrupt politicians with nothing but contempt for the public; a police force so broken down in spirit it visibly resents interaction with even law-abiding citizens; a criminal underclass empowered by the incessant drone of liberal rhetoric wandering the streets posing clear and present danger to everyone around them; and the enablers, who are everywhere, to say nothing of the ugly, decaying infrastructure, poor economy and joyless entertainment and leisure opportunities — it is for these reasons I have made the decision to disconnect forever.
Although in the last eight months I’ve been a victim of two area property thefts, three downtown street harassment episodes, one brazen Michigan Avenue assault, and a shameful “white privilege” lecture from Cook County’s soda-taxer in chief (among other just simply bad day-to-day experiences), it is the kidnapping and torture of the young teen and the waffling response of the Chicago Police Department in labeling the actions of the perpetrators a hate crime that have sealed the deal for me.
Crime, stupidity, racism, conformity and the lowest common denominator across the entire spectrum of life have become normalized in Chicago. This has become an insane, dangerous, soul-destroying place, and I’ve had enough. I’m leaving Chicago, and I’m never coming back.
— Brandon Vezmar, Hammond, president, The Messaging Company
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