EXPOSED: Movement That Turned Entire University System Into White-Hating Activists Organized And Funded By…The Most racially Divisive U.S. President We Ever Had Barack Obama

The good news is that Trump can stop it, and probably very easily. Obama has turned the entire federal government into a giant leftist revolutionary machine. And it went to work on the country and did a lot of damage.
Excerpted From The New York Post: You might not have noticed but there are really two Republican parties: the gentlemen and the ruffians. It’s not about NAFTA or Russia. It’s about adhering to the rules.
The gentleman observes that the Democrats, being ruffians, have broken the rules, and he resolves never to do this when he comes to power. The Republican ruffian scoffs at the gentleman’s pretense of purity and happily answers the Democrats tit-for-tat when they break the rules.
You’ll see the difference in how the two sides look at a host of issues — Supreme Court precedents, use of the filibuster, executive orders.
You’ll also see it in how the two sides look at the Department of Education. The Republican gentleman thinks that education, including higher ed, is properly a matter for the states, and that all such federal grants should be zeroed out. But the Obama DOE has undertaken a massive effort to remake our politics and culture, and the ruffian thinks we should answer the Democrats in kind. If they’ve paid universities to teach contempt for America and American values, let’s sponsor a different set of programs that teach what’s right about America and admirable about our Constitution and culture.
A study by the National Association of Scholars, released on Tuesday, reveals how Obama’s ultra-liberal progressives have begun to turn American higher ed into a vehicle for left-wing activism and propaganda.
1.414em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">“Making Citizens: How American Universities Teach Civics” shows how the Obama DOE has indoctrinated college students through progressive “New Civics” programs that seek to repurpose higher education away from the study of Western institutions, and even away from scholarship in general, in order to make little left-wing community organizers of our students.
The goal of the New Civics movement, concludes the NAS, is to teach students “that a good citizen is a radical activist,” putting “political activism at the center of everything that students do in college, including academic study, extra-curricular pursuits, and off-campus ventures.” Instead of a civics education that studies the foundations of American government, New Civics teaches students “how to organize protests, occupy buildings, and stage demonstrations.”
If you’ve seen how conservative speakers are silenced on campus, deplored the way in which conservative academics are ostracized or bemoaned the way in which much of American higher ed has been turned into an unsafe space by left-wing fascists, it didn’t come out of the blue. It was sponsored by the Obama administration.
The numbers are stunning. The allocation for higher ed in the 2013 federal budget was $65 billion, of which $25 billion was for federal research grants and $4 billion for general-purpose appropriations. New Civics likely comes under the general-purpose rubric, but the message for all college grant applicants is that you’ll fare better if you have a New Civics program.
It’s nothing less than a leveraged buyout of American higher education. Obama and his minions want to make “civic engagement” part of every class, every tenure decision and every extracurricular activity. Keep reading


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