Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart sending the most problematic inmates to other county jails at a cost of $500 a day for each inmate

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart was unavailable for comment because he was hiding under a desk until the last "problem" inmate was gone from his jail
Sheriff Dart would rather WASTE tax dollars on farming out possible problem inmates so that there is no video from his jail showing HIS COOK COUNTY officers using force on a Negro just incase he runs for Mayor of Chicago

Despite Cook County Jail being at a historic low in inmate population, Tom Dart is sending inmates to other County jails costing Cook County taxpayers millions.. Dart is paying other Counties up to $500.00 per day to take inmates he cant handle!

Since Sheriff Dart took office, reported inmate on officer assaults has gone up 400% according to a recent report.. 68% of Cook County officers from division 9 and 10 have quit or are on "IOD" Injury on Duty Status since 2010.. About 10 inmates are causing 90% of the problems while Dart continues to cater to them with pizza parties and refusing to take away privileges!

Kendall County Sheriff Dwight Baird spoke to WSPY News last Thursday about the problems with unruly prisoners that have occurred recently in the Kendall County Jail in Yorkville.
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On January 3rd, 22 year-old Stephawn Johnson of Chicago got into a scuffle with corrections deputies in jail Johnson and one of the officers were both slightly injured.

25 year-old Roy White of Chicago, who is a Cook County prisoner being held in the Kendall County Jail, was arrested on four felony counts of Aggravated Battery January 2nd after he allegedly squeezed a shampoo bottle filled with feces and urine onto two corrections deputies.

WSPY News asked Sheriff Baird if the presence of inmates from other jails, especially the Cook County Jail, has been responsible for the problems.

Sheriff Baird said that both Livingston and Kankakee counties house Cook County prisoners in their jails.  
The sheriff told WSPY that he has spoken with the sheriffs from those two counties and the problems have been similar.

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